The Duwamish Tribe

Diversity, My work, photojournalism, Seattle, Still photography

The first people of Seattle and much of King County, the people of the Duwamish Tribe, have been fighting for federal recognition for decades. Chairwoman Cecile Hansen has been leading that fight, and recently there was a breakthrough when a federal judge threw out a 2001 Bush-era denial and ordered a new examination of the tribe’s case. Hansen is a descendant of Chief Seattle, after whom the city is named. She is seen working below in her office at the Duwamish Longhouse while reflected in a painting done by her sister, Catherine Rivera, depicting their great-great-grandmother, Ya-Tse-Blu, the niece of Chief Seattle. Stay tuned for more as I continue to work to tell this important story. Thanks for looking.



Below, Cecile cooks dinner for a nearby homeless community, Nickelsville, with help from her granddaughter Alyssa.